As we celebrate Easter, with its profound reminder of the suffering that Christ endured for our redemption, we take comfort in knowing that Jesus understands human suffering. He experienced pain, rejection, and betrayal, so he knows how we feel when times are hard. But when he rose from the grave and defeated death, when light overcame darkness, he made the way for us to live a life of freedom. No condemnation, no guilt or shame, just pure love and peace. Hallelujah!
But it doesn’t end there…
Jesus demonstrated the ultimate act of compassion for all when he died on the cross, but throughout his life, Jesus showed compassion through his teachings, his words, through his miracles and through his healings and he calls us to do the same. He tells us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and to comfort the victims of injustice. In Matthew and Mark, when asked which is the greatest commandment, he says, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.’ He was asked for the greatest commandment and he listed both – that must show us just how important the command to ‘love your neighbour’ is. And then in John, he gives us a new commandment, to ‘Love one another. As I have loved you, so must you love one another.’ In our world we are led to be conditional in our compassion. Child refugees are seen as helpless and deserving, but adult males, not so much. Victims of trafficking deserve our compassion, but a prostitute trying to fund her habit, not so much. And yet who are we to judge? We are called to love our neighbour, that is anyone who finds themselves in need. When Jesus said ’love one another, as I have loved you,’ it is with an unconditional, overwhelming, forgiving, merciful love. Imagine what the world would look like if we did. If we all did. It would be God’s kingdom here on earth.
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