Dianne Conduit

Dianne Conduit

Dianne brings a life long passion to improve the health and well-being of communities, families and individuals through co-production and social action. An ability to develop strategies, see opportunities and mobilise action is a particular strength.

With over 40 years experience of health and social care within the public and commercial sectors as a nurse, and senior leader, Dianne brings knowledge and experience of governance, service improvement, information and knowledge management and safeguarding to Open Door.

Dianne was a trustee and later chair of Young Devon from 2012-2021 and is excited to be part of Open Door with it's proven track record of making a positive difference to so many peoples lives through its many and varied projects.

Peter Chalkley

Peter Chalkley

Peter is a retired Operations Manager for Devon County Council Social Services, Children and Young People's Service, and is our Safeguarding Officer. He brings a keen awareness of social issues and a wide knowledge of statutory services. He is also one of our Project Leaders for Men’s Shed. Peter is a member of Hope Church, Exmouth.



Katie brings experience from her days formerly as a primary school teacher, more recently working for Devon County Council alongside the Early Help team, supporting vulnerable young people, and currently as a foster carer. She is particularly passionate about our Ice and Haven projects. Katie attends the Grace Gathering community in Exmouth.



Anne is a retired Practice Nurse and having had over 40 years of experience working as a Nurse, has
always had a heart for being interested in peoples' mental and physical wellbeing. She is particularly
passionate about helping the community in Exmouth and making a positive difference in peoples'
lives no matter how big or small. As a result she is now a Support Worker in the Community Café .
She attends Christ Church Woodbury