Need Help?
Our support workers at the Community Café will listen and support you and help you to connect with Together Drug and Alcohol Service. We can also help you research detox and rehab options. AA also run support groups from the Open Door Centre.
At the Community Café, we can explain what benefits you might be entitled to, we provide free access to phones and laptops all day and can support you in applying for or chasing up benefits.
Our qualified, DBS checked counselling team are able to offer support through free (or £5 donation) sessions. You can also find a friendly face and a listening ear at the Community Café and Men’s Shed.
At the Community Café, and Parent Hub we offer 1-1 support from trained and DBS checked support workers. We can also help you access courses such as Pattern Change and You and Me, Mum, as well as connecting you to further support from fear-less, Devon Domestic Abuse Support Services.
At the Parent Hub, we can provide one to one or group based support around any parenting challenge, including relationship breakdown.
At the Community Café, we can support you with benefits queries, budgeting advice and job searching. We can also help you to contact debt companies and utility providers, to work out manageable payment plans. For temporary financial crises, we provide Food Bank vouchers and have a Community Fridge here at Open Door for you to access food free of charge. For families we run the Holiday Café scheme, where children and their accompanying adult can have a free meal each day during school holidays using gift cards issued via the school and local support agencies in addition to Open Door. If you are in severe debt, you may find it helpful to talk to CAB or CAP.
For 24/7 support over the phone, contact the Samaritans for free, from any phone on 116 123.
At the Community Café, we provide showers, laundry, clothing and sleeping bags. We also provide hot meals and drinks while we are working with you to help you contact the Assertive Homeless Outreach Team, to hopefully access accommodation. Where relevant, we can also help you connect with further support e.g. for veterans, addiction, mental and physical health, domestic abuse etc. For those under 25, we can also work with Nightstop and Young Devon to access further support.
You will always find friendly faces at our Community Café, Men’s Shed and Craft Room projects. We can also advise you of other local interest groups. If you would like to join our volunteer team, we’d love to have you! You can find details of our current volunteer vacancies here.
If you are struggling with your mental health at this point in time, come into the Community Café and we can listen and offer 1-1 support to help you to access support through your GP, the Mental Health and Recovery Team or the Crisis Team. Need help now? contact The Samaritans 24/7 helpline
At the Community Café we can provide free access to the internet for job searching and support in accessing Universal Credit while you are unemployed. We can also help with writing CVs. For up to date local job vacancies, and support with job applications and interview techniques, go to Glenorchy Job Cafe, every Thursday morning.
Our Haven Project provides support to young people at Exmouth Community College, through The Hub drop in, open every break and lunchtime, and through our ‘opt in’ mentoring programme, where children can self-refer through The Hub, or can be referred by teachers or Heads of Year. The Haven Team also deliver transition work, supporting Year 6 students suffering with anxiety at the prospect of moving up to Year 7.