If you’ve ever heard me speak about Open Door, you’ll know that I don’t ask for money! I am much more focussed on raising awareness of our work, so that more people know about the help that is out there and so that those who are inspired to volunteer might come and join us. I believe that God provides and will motivate people to give as and when the time is right. I also believe in complete transparency, so when we are comfortable with finances, I will say so, in case there are other causes that need help at that time, and when we are struggling, I will also be honest.
So you will be aware that over the past few years, we’ve expanded our work quite significantly! With Men’s Shed now a firmly established project and Haven launched in January, and the Café now offering a free counselling service, we are reaching more people than ever. However, this expansion has cost us and last year we spent £20,000 more than we raised. We are not in crisis but obviously we cannot continue to incur such a deficit and it would not be wise to continue to expand our work until that deficit is met. Yet the need is out there, we can see the need to expand current projects, and we have other ideas in the pipeline but we need to be wise about the decisions we make.
So, we would be so grateful for your prayers for our finance, and if you feel motivated to help financially (if you don’t already!) whether through fundraising, regular giving or leaving a gift to us in your will, it will make a real difference. Thank you.
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