Lisa’s Welcome

Lisa’s Welcome
Dear Open Door Friends,

Firstly, a very big thank you to all those who have made me feel so welcome over the last month as I have stepped into my new role as Projects Director at Open Door Exmouth. Most of you will know that after nine years, Helen will be leaving in December. She will be a great loss to the organisation, having expertly led and grown the charity to ensure that Open Door always meets the needs of the most vulnerable in our community. It is a great privilege to take the baton from her as Open Door enters its next season.

Secondly, a huge thank you to those who have continued to support Open Door, whether by giving time, finance, food or prayer. We are so grateful. Without you, Open Door would not be here.

The last 18 months has brought change and challenge to every individual, household and organisation. I am sure each of us has a story to tell about how our lives or lives of others have been impacted by Covid-19. As a frontline charity in Exmouth, closing the physical doors of some of our projects during the lockdown periods not only went against our name but went against our hearts. Nonetheless, we re-adjusted where possible and worked hard to meeting need wherever we could. However, we acknowledge that the landscape has changed; some of our volunteers and customers have not felt able to safely return to Open Door, there is an increase for support work particularly for benefits and mental health issues, long periods of social isolation has increased anxiety in all age groups, and families are struggling with multiple issues. The challenges are real and we are not afraid to address them. The heart of Open Door has always been to help those most in need in our town and that will not change. However, in this next season, and with the support of the trustees, I will be reviewing all that Open Door offers to ensure we are continuing to make a difference where it is most needed.

Your voice is important to us as we gather feedback on our services. Whatever your relationship with Open Door, you matter to us and I would love to hear from you. I am enthusiastic about getting to know old friends of Open Door and to make new friends, to hear about your experiences, to share big ideas, to get feedback, to visit your organisation, to partner and to explore new possibilities. If you would like to contact me, you can do so by emailing [email protected]

Mother Teresa once said, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love”. My hope, as I take on the leadership of Open Door, is not necessarily to do great things, but to ensure that the culmination of small things we do, whether for one or for many is accompanied by great love. If you would be interested in giving a little of your time and love to Open Door as we enter into this next season, please do get in touch. There are some details about volunteering opportunities at the bottom of this email.

I look forward to meeting many of you over the weeks and months to come.

Warmest wishes,


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